Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Miracle

I laid in bed and promised myself that I would not move from it unless the very next thing that occurred was the single greatest event of my life. I pretty much needed a miracle. Again, we're talking about the challenge of not only writing a first novel but a novel about crimes committed in the Catholic Church.  I was compelled to get it right and yet I knew I was way in over my head and paralyzed at the thought that my next move would be the end of me rather than the beginning. After a few days, I got my miracle.

Crimen Sollicitationis was signed in 1962 by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, Secretary of the Holy Office, and was addressed to all Patriarchs, Archbishops, Bishops and other Local Ordinaries. It gave specific instructions on how to carry out the rules in the Code of Canon Law and how to proceed when dealing with denunciations of homosexual, pedophile or zoophile behavior by clerics. Dioceses were to use the instructions for their own guidance and keep it in their archives for confidential documents. They were not to publish the instructions nor produce commentaries on it.

One discovery I'd made about the writing process was realizing that there was a time to research and a time to write. With the discovery of Crimen Sollicitationis, it was time to write The PriVILEged.

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