When I'd sat down to write the prologue of The PriVILEged, I'd pictured in my mind two men sitting down to talk about the state of the church and the where things stood with the pedophiles. I'd pictured that both men intimately knew on a personal level every pedophile or pedofilo by name, how much power they had over the church, and that the time had come to do something about it.
I'd pictured those men to be Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger, then the Prefect to the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith. I was surprised to think that Pope John Paul II would ever be involved with matters pertaining to the pedofilo, but if you think about it, he must have been on some level. For all we know, he was the worst kind of pedophile. The kind who spends a papacy talking about how much he loves children as if he was recruiting them for the pedophilic priests.
The one literary agency that I could only dream of representing me represented by favorite author, Thomas Harris of Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon fame; however, after I'd pointed out how interesting it was that they represented a work by Pope John II entitled, "Let Us Be On Our Way" and how I'd used part of the work as part of my research, I could have written "Catcher In The Rye" for all they cared and still not be consider for representation after I'd said this. It seemed that Pope John Paul II may have been a sanctimonious character and those who knew this didn't want to be identified.
That is when I had the idea to write about Directorate V: to assassinate the top five most costly pedophilic priests and to include the CIA in the story. It was a gamble but one that I would not regret. I was determined to write an air-tight story no matter how long it took and I thought the best way to accomplish this was to end the story the same way it began with what has become the two most eerie words the Catholic faith has to offer. "Your holiness."
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